
Dawn I can still remember as vividly as if it were yesterday the day my parents dropped me off at college in South Carolina, after a long trip from Pennsylvania. They helped me move into my dorm room, make my…
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Cooking, Creating, and Everything in Between
Dawn I can still remember as vividly as if it were yesterday the day my parents dropped me off at college in South Carolina, after a long trip from Pennsylvania. They helped me move into my dorm room, make my…
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Yum When the weather started to get sticky in my childhood, non-air conditioned house in Pennsylvania, and the air started to get stuffy even with the windows open begging for a breeze, my mom made Hawaiian Pineapple Pie. I can…
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Yum The other day I made blueberry pie. And that blueberry pie led to scraps. And those scraps led to Blueberry Hand Pies. And you know what? I liked the mini pies better than the real pie. Go figure. So…
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