How to Steam a Live Lobster

Yum Marriage is hard work. When you’re going to work every day, and paying mortgages, and walking the floor all night with a fussing baby, it can be easy to forget just how much you love that person who…
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Cooking, Creating, and Everything in Between
Yum Marriage is hard work. When you’re going to work every day, and paying mortgages, and walking the floor all night with a fussing baby, it can be easy to forget just how much you love that person who…
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Yum Have you ever had a Cornish hen? These little beauties are teeny– about the size of your 2 fists together, and they are just so adorable. You can make a platter of these for a holiday meal, and each…
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Yum No one is sure exactly how Red Velvet cake came to be. Some people claim that it was invented at the Waldorf Astoria hotel, where a chef charged a woman $350 for the recipe. And, supposedly, she paid this…
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Yum I think all of us have that “one” (OK, 25) dish(es) that we just can’t seem to make correctly. We try and try, but each time the dish’s simplicity mocks us, and we just can’t do it. Lasagna was…
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Yum The first time I ever went to Red Robin, I glanced over the menu and stopped on one bewitching little item: Freckled Lemonade. “What in the world is Freckled Lemonade?” I thought to myself. “How in the world can…
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Yum Have you ever had a chocolate éclair– I mean, a real chocolate éclair? You haven’t?? Goodness. You are in for a treat. These little beauties consist of a delicate, hollow shell bursting with rich, golden cream and topped with a…
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