Delectable Dill Pickles

Yum I love cooking with fresh herbs. But they can be so expensive, that I usually can’t use them. I couldn’t use them, that is, until I got myself an Aerogarden. It was on DEEEEEPPPP clearance at Walmart, and I…
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Cooking, Creating, and Everything in Between
Yum I love cooking with fresh herbs. But they can be so expensive, that I usually can’t use them. I couldn’t use them, that is, until I got myself an Aerogarden. It was on DEEEEEPPPP clearance at Walmart, and I…
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Yum For the longest time, I was terribly intimidated by angel food cake. Store-bought mixes yielded something more like sweet, edible Styrofoam than the effortlessly light confection kissed with a hint of sweetness that I was trying to emulate. To add…
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Yum I grew up in a small Pennsylvania town. It was a tiny, Mayberry type place, where people knew their neighbors and would give you a call when they saw that your dog was out. They were homespun, decent people…
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Yum Enchanting Elf Cookies You know the old time Rudolph Christmas special that comes on every year– the one with adorable “Bumble,” the Abominable Snow Monster, and Hermey the Elf? I just love that movie. I catch myself humming “Silver…
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Thanksgiving is over, and if you’re like many American homes, you probably have lots of leftover turkey lurking in your freezer (if you have any left in the fridge, you should probably toss it ;). I always freeze turkey leftovers,…
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Easy Homemade Cloth Napkins I was once desperately, head over heels in love with a man. It was so bad that I once ran an entire bathtub of water, jumped in, dreaming of my dreamboat, only to leap out, realizing…
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Yum Sweet Santa Cookies I once wrote a letter to Santa that went something like this: “Dear Santa, Enclosed you will find my Christmas wish list. I have helpfully included the toy catalog, with the pages numbered, and the desired…
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Yum I have a delicious hobby . . . I collect antique teacups and teapots. There is something so timelessly elegant about a dainty, bone china tea set. Each piece has a story, and each story is unique. Nothing soothes…
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Yum Festive Winter Mitten Sugar Cookies There is really nothing quite so cozy as a warm mitten. Mittens are kind of hard to find, nowadays . . . their humble, homespun presence has been crowded out of most stores by…
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