Perfect Pie Crust

I bake. A lot. But that doesn’t mean that I know it all, or that I never make mistakes. You’d fall down and die laughing if you could see some of the horrors that I have created. In fact, I…
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Cooking, Creating, and Everything in Between
I bake. A lot. But that doesn’t mean that I know it all, or that I never make mistakes. You’d fall down and die laughing if you could see some of the horrors that I have created. In fact, I…
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Yum When I was a kid, my occasional guilty pleasure was eating sugar cubes. I’m not sure what it was about them that made them so irresistible, but on the rare occasion that I spotted those adorable little squares on…
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Yum Life is all about great, yet unexpected pairings. I mean, who would think that peanut butter and jelly would work? Yet somehow, it does. The first time I tried pizza and ranch together I thought, “Eeew. No way.” And…
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