Death by Chocolate Cheesecake

I think Death by Chocolate Cheesecake is probably the method I would choose for my demise. Just set me adrift in a little boat, in a billowing chocolate sea of the glorious stuff, and give me a spoon for a…
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Cooking, Creating, and Everything in Between
I think Death by Chocolate Cheesecake is probably the method I would choose for my demise. Just set me adrift in a little boat, in a billowing chocolate sea of the glorious stuff, and give me a spoon for a…
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Lady Chef “You’re very tall. You wear what . . . an 11 or 12 shoe?” The sales lady rummaged behind the desk. “Um . . . 7 1/2.” She resurfaced. “That’s impossible. You’re too tall to have that…
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London “It is not the walls that make the city, but the people who live within them. The walls of London may be battered, but the spirit of the Londoner stands resolute and undismayed.” –George VI London. I have saved…
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