Apple Pie

Today was a very bad day for me. It was Emilie and the “terrible, horrible, no good, very bad day.”We were up all night every hour on the hour with baby girl, who dropped into a peaceful slumber the second…
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Cooking, Creating, and Everything in Between
Today was a very bad day for me. It was Emilie and the “terrible, horrible, no good, very bad day.”We were up all night every hour on the hour with baby girl, who dropped into a peaceful slumber the second…
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You know the scene from the movie “Julie and Julia” where Julie makes “beef bourguignon?” Well, guess what? Beef bourguignon is just the fancy name for beef stew. 🙂 (Are you serious? She’s making beef stew?? My entire life is…
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There are so many amazingly rich, beautiful things in this world. Nothing can match the to-die-for smell of sautéing onions, the indulgence of a rich, chocolate brownie (an absolutely killer one, here), or the first, sinful bite of a piece of…
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Jill Lang, my fabulous photographer friend, has been trying to teach me to take better food photos. Although I’m not nearly as talented as she is, I am enjoying learning. Believe it or not, I actually took this photo…
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Yum I have always loved recipes with a good story. Finding handwritten recipe cards at a flea market always feels like finding a little piece of treasure from the past. Learning that “this was the chicken recipe that made Grandpa…
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The other day, I really enjoyed making the Folded Star Tutorial for you guys (see that here). Sewing, for me, is a definite seasonal activity– I start to itch to do it when fall rolls around and the weather gets…
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Well, it is September . . . the month with amazingly warm, gorgeous days, flawless blue skies, and cool, crisp nights. This is the beginning blush on the perfect fruit of fall. I can’t help it . . . I…
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Well, as a rule, this is basically a baking blog. However . . . blogs are designed to make people happy, and since sewing is something that makes me very happy, and since so many of you have asked me to…
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Throughout the ages, it has been the Holy Grail of achievements. People have searched tirelessly for it, as a man on a magnificent quest. It is dreamed about and spoken of in hushed whispers. No . . . it’s not…
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So here we are at last! The final cookie for the “Hey Diddle Diddle” set! We’ve come a long way! You should be proud of yourself. Good job! Soon you’ll be making this whole set like a pro!The final cookie…
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