Luscious Lemon Pound Cake

Yum Fall is coming. Although we still have the occasional hot, sticky day here in Virginia, the promise of fall whispers to me, a little stronger every day. I see it as a few leaves begin to fall across the…
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Cooking, Creating, and Everything in Between
Yum Fall is coming. Although we still have the occasional hot, sticky day here in Virginia, the promise of fall whispers to me, a little stronger every day. I see it as a few leaves begin to fall across the…
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Yum It was one of those days. My hubby worked late all week, which meant that my kiddos were climbing the walls, asking every 5 seconds “Where’s Daddy? Where’s Daddy? Where’s Daddy?” I think I’ll hear that phrase in my…
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Yum “All you need is love. But a little chocolate now and then doesn’t hurt.” — Charles Schulz I still remember the day my college roommate broke up with her boyfriend. Well . . . maybe he *technically* broke…
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Yum Do you know how pound cake got its name? No, it’s not because you gain a pound by eating a slice. Although, I think there is some wicked irony in place, there (Evil glare at the bathroom scale). No,…
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Yum For the longest time, I was terribly intimidated by angel food cake. Store-bought mixes yielded something more like sweet, edible Styrofoam than the effortlessly light confection kissed with a hint of sweetness that I was trying to emulate. To add…
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