Delicious Peach Crisp

As the end of summer draws near, the evenings get a little cooler, the Canadian geese start to fly South, and . . . the peaches and apples start to get ripe!Get ready– this is one of the most…
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Cooking, Creating, and Everything in Between
As the end of summer draws near, the evenings get a little cooler, the Canadian geese start to fly South, and . . . the peaches and apples start to get ripe!Get ready– this is one of the most…
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I once entered a contest for a free set of measuring cups. We had to write an entry telling why we felt we deserved to win a new set of measuring cups. I wrote in that my measuring cups “looked…
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Yum Have you ever heard of Captain William Kidd? His story is a crazy and thrilling one– awash in mystery, intrigue, and dastardly deeds. In the late 1600s, William Kidd was a respectable English admiral, sailing on behalf of the…
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