Magnificent Madeleines

Yum I think there is a little girl lurking somewhere, deep inside every woman, who loves the idea of a fancy tea party. I just love to break out the fancy china (well, not literally break out), make some beautiful…
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Cooking, Creating, and Everything in Between
Yum I think there is a little girl lurking somewhere, deep inside every woman, who loves the idea of a fancy tea party. I just love to break out the fancy china (well, not literally break out), make some beautiful…
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Yum Well, here we are in cold, silent January. Don’t get me wrong– there are beautiful things about winter: the crisp crunch of snow underfoot, the chilly kiss of steam curling from your coffee cup, or the silent, sterile beauty…
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Yum Do you know how pound cake got its name? No, it’s not because you gain a pound by eating a slice. Although, I think there is some wicked irony in place, there (Evil glare at the bathroom scale). No,…
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Yum Mousse, at its core, is basically frothy, lightened egg whites folded into a custard or ganache. But, you know . . . as I was making regular mousse, and folding my egg whites into my lime custard, I thought…
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Yum The first time I ever went to Red Robin, I glanced over the menu and stopped on one bewitching little item: Freckled Lemonade. “What in the world is Freckled Lemonade?” I thought to myself. “How in the world can…
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Perfect Princess Cookies When I had my son, I was indoctrinated into the culture of Matchbox cars, action heroes, and everything messy, squishy, and loud. I learned that burping is hilarious, and no one ever needs a bath. I thought…
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Yum Oh the weather outside is frightful! So make lemon curd and take a big bite full! And the only thing better than my impeccable timing is my poor attempt at serious rhyming. Sorry. haha. Seriously, though– is there anything…
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Yum It’s a cold, miserable day. You are exhausted from work, and the traffic is terrible as you drive home through the drizzling rain. The wind cuts right to the bone when you open the door, taking your breath away. Goodness. It’s so…
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Yum Have you ever had a chocolate éclair– I mean, a real chocolate éclair? You haven’t?? Goodness. You are in for a treat. These little beauties consist of a delicate, hollow shell bursting with rich, golden cream and topped with a…
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Yum When I was a kid, one of my all-time favorite books was Jenny Wren, written by Dawn Watkins. The story is a gorgeously spun tale of a young orphaned girl who comes to live with her grandparents, the Logans. …
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