Chicken Parmigiana for Two

Yum Sundays are a very busy day for me. I get up early, prepare something to take to church for breakfast, and then go through the everyday trials of trying to find something that my kids will eat, today (who…
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Cooking, Creating, and Everything in Between
Yum Sundays are a very busy day for me. I get up early, prepare something to take to church for breakfast, and then go through the everyday trials of trying to find something that my kids will eat, today (who…
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Yum I always enjoy trying new things and discovering little “hole in the wall” places. There is something magical about trying new things and enjoying new experiences. This weekend it was (again) pouring down rain, so I decided to go on…
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Yum Sometimes in life, we can see clearly the way to go. Other times, it can be less clear. I remember that, as a child, I used to get sick to my stomach at night. Something about the night, and…
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Yum Life has a way of knocking your sorry woes on their head and showing you how good you really have it. You might be upset that traffic is crawling, but then you pass a horrific wreck and give thanks…
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Yum It was one of those days. My hubby worked late all week, which meant that my kiddos were climbing the walls, asking every 5 seconds “Where’s Daddy? Where’s Daddy? Where’s Daddy?” I think I’ll hear that phrase in my…
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Yum Life is an interesting fellow. From great triumphs to horrible failures, each trial that we experience shapes us into the person we are meant to be. I have lived in many different places and met many different, wonderful people. …
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Yum “The sun did not shine. It was too wet to play. So we sat in the house. All that cold, cold wet day.” — Dr. Seuss I looked out the window, today, and it was raining. Again. Yesssssss…
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Yum “All you need is love. But a little chocolate now and then doesn’t hurt.” — Charles Schulz I still remember the day my college roommate broke up with her boyfriend. Well . . . maybe he *technically* broke…
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Yum I hate to waste things. When I watch cooking shows, it drives me crazy that the chefs taste one bite, and then the rest goes to waste. Of course, not everything can be saved (Yes, experimental sugar-water drenched pound…
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Yum These brownies have an interesting story. The basic chocolate layer was invented by a woman who had 10 children and made brownies every day. And even though the brownies are sinfully decadent and delicious, on their own, the addition…
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