Cut Out + Keep Feature This Week!

We have been featured on Cut Out + Keep! I am pleased and grateful to announce that a few weeks ago, Cat, owner of the craft website giant Cut Out + Keep, asked if she could run a feature on…
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Cooking, Creating, and Everything in Between
We have been featured on Cut Out + Keep! I am pleased and grateful to announce that a few weeks ago, Cat, owner of the craft website giant Cut Out + Keep, asked if she could run a feature on…
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Yum It is raining outside. The sky is gray and stormy, and the weather is ohhhh so cold. But inside . . . it’s a whole different story. When you open the door and step inside, you are enveloped in…
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Sunny Days and Sweet Tea is finally here! It’s been a long road. We have worked countless hours creating, editing, and designing. We have skipped meals, tested recipes so many times that we WISHED we could skip meals, and felt…
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Yum Gluten Free Macaroni and Cheese (adapted from base recipe) Ingredients: 2 tbsp. margarine or butter 1 tbsp. olive oil 1/4 cup chopped onion 3/4 tsp. salt 1/2 tsp. black pepper 1/2 tsp. dry mustard 2 cups whole milk…
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I’m not sure who first decided to combine the flavors of Oranges and Cream, but, man . . . it was a great idea. From the classic Creamsicle to delicious Chantilly Orange Cream, this is a classic flavor combo that’s…
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Yum “I’m half good and I’m half bad. My mama is a very good girl and my daddy is a very bad boy. And I guess that leaves me somewhere [in the middle.]” — Joybell There is a very real…
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Pretty soon, it will be one of my favorite times of the year . . . strawberry season! I love to take my kiddos to a strawberry farm and let them discover these tasty little gems among the dark green…
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Yum Well, I have really been enjoying this series of homemade, no-churn ice cream series! We have done Cookies and Cream, Vanilla Bean, and Espresso Chip so far. Ahh . . . and (drum roll . . .) at last we…
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Yum Ahh, beautiful Macarons. Not to be confused with the “Macaroon” coconut cookie, these are light as air little meringues that have a kiss of sweetness and are, naturally and deliciously, gluten free, because they use almond flour instead of…
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There is something very classy about Lemon Meringue Pie. It’s the favorite of many people because it evokes memories of a lazy Sunday afternoon at Grandma’s house, sitting on the front porch with a slight breeze whispering around your face,…
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