New Year

New Year It’s hard to believe that it is 2020 already. This time of year is good for contemplation and fresh starts. It always makes me nostalgic. The other day I was thinking about this blog– how it started as…
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Cooking, Creating, and Everything in Between
New Year It’s hard to believe that it is 2020 already. This time of year is good for contemplation and fresh starts. It always makes me nostalgic. The other day I was thinking about this blog– how it started as…
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Learning to Decorate Fancy Sugar Cookies I still remember the first time I was scrolling through Pinterest and saw . . . THEM. I will never forget those first, fancy sugar cookies I saw– Santa Claus cookies with sparkling sugar…
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Pan Poilâne There are few things in life more comforting, more universally appreciated and appealing than a loaf of bread. It exists in every culture– and ironically, no matter what form it takes, its presence on the table denotes family…
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There are few classics more nostalgic than Chocolate Cream Pie. This classic recipe might have been the one your grandma pulled out of the refrigerator on Sunday after a nice family dinner. Many variations have been invented since– people have…
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The Good China My grandma always kept the good china in a dark, imposing hutch that sat grumpily in the corner of the kitchen, guarding the special dishes like a soldier presiding over prisoners of war. I used to stand…
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November is the time for Thanksgiving! And Thanksgiving means apple pie. And if you could somehow take the flavors of the golden brown crust, the bubbling, cinnamon apples, and the kiss of caramel drizzled over the melting vanilla bean ice…
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I have always loved pecans. And toasted pecans? Gahhh. A revelation. There is something so deliciously earthy and fallish about them. So when you make homemade Pecan Sandies (tell yourself it’s really because you have to try out a Christmas…
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This year my little flower garden lavender patch went above and beyond the call of duty. It circled, hugged, and kissed duty, leaving roses and chocolates in its wake. Over the summer I have been collecting and drying the sweet,…
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Porch Sitting You can learn a lot about life sitting on the porch. There was a time, not so very long ago, when people didn’t have air conditioning. The porch became a respite from the sweltering stuffiness of the inside…
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Nancy in Paris “Paris is always a good idea.” — Audrey Hepburn It was just about a year ago that I was in Paris— that glorious, magical city which has a certain something– a certain je ne sais quoi— that…
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