Blueberry Muffins

Yum You roll over when your alarm goes off, trying to scrape your eyes open after being up all night with a fussy baby. Oh goodness. Is it really time to get up? You pull on the first clothes you…
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Cooking, Creating, and Everything in Between
Yum You roll over when your alarm goes off, trying to scrape your eyes open after being up all night with a fussy baby. Oh goodness. Is it really time to get up? You pull on the first clothes you…
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Yum This past year, my Mom had a bumper crop of red raspberries in her garden. She gave me several huge bags of raspberries, and since there were so many I washed the berries and plopped them into the freezer….
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Yum Once upon a time, my family and I went to the Outer Banks of North Carolina on vacation. We rented a little seaside cottage, walked barefoot in the sand, and ate freshly caught crab until we couldn’t stuff in…
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Yum I have been experiencing a muffin baking obsession, lately. I think it started when we listed our house for sale. It started with a completely innocent thought on my part: “I think I’ll bake a little something for the open…
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Yum It’s been a rough day. You were up all night with a screaming baby who drifted effortlessly off to sleep just as you scraped open your bloodshot eyes for work. You were racing out the door when you splashed…
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Yum It will probably make me sound weird and nerdy, but I really love going grocery shopping. And even though I have to keep dispensing lollipops and sippy cups to keep the troops from revolting in the middle of the…
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Sunny Days and Sweet Tea is finally here! It’s been a long road. We have worked countless hours creating, editing, and designing. We have skipped meals, tested recipes so many times that we WISHED we could skip meals, and felt…
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Yum There is something so beautiful about simple, honest food. When you use your own hands to prepare a loaf of bread, from start to finish, and you craft it and form it, you can give a sigh of…
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Yum Ah, beautiful Panera. Every year, you send me a birthday email and a coupon for a free treat from that luscious bakery case. It’s so hard to choose just one. Should I get a bearclaw? A pecan roll? Oh…
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Yum I still remember the first time “quiche” crossed my radar. I was about 10 years old, and my Mom made it for supper. We kids eyed this strange dish with the utmost suspicion. A few years later, I heard…
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