Espresso Chip Cookies

Yum I have a deep and tempestuous love affair with chocolate. I hear it calling my name, late at night . . . begging me for a late night rendezvous, alone, in the kitchen. I find my mind constantly drifting…
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Cooking, Creating, and Everything in Between
Yum I have a deep and tempestuous love affair with chocolate. I hear it calling my name, late at night . . . begging me for a late night rendezvous, alone, in the kitchen. I find my mind constantly drifting…
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Yum As you know, we moved into a beautiful house a few months ago– a house with a huge yard, beautiful, sunny rooms, and loads of space for dreaming. The longer we live here, the more I discover another quiet…
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Yum Deep dark confession time. When I was a kid, I loathed peanut butter. Even worse than plain peanut butter was chocolate and peanut butter together. The very thought of that flavor combo made my skin crawl. I don’t know…
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Yum As you all know, we have been going through the arduous process of selling our house/buying another one for the past few months. I appreciate your patience as I have less time to do blog entries during this period…
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Yum I have been experiencing a muffin baking obsession, lately. I think it started when we listed our house for sale. It started with a completely innocent thought on my part: “I think I’ll bake a little something for the open…
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Yum A lot can change in a year. You can finish your freshman year of college in a year. Your baby can start to take its first, tentative steps in a year. You can get engaged in a year. And you…
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Yum It’s been a rough day. You were up all night with a screaming baby who drifted effortlessly off to sleep just as you scraped open your bloodshot eyes for work. You were racing out the door when you splashed…
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Yum It was one of those days. When I went to get the baby in the morning, she had apparently had the world’s largest spit-up in her crib, and was happily painting the walls, crib, and bedding with it. I…
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Yum I’ll never forget the first time I ever tried . . . THE ONE. I asked a friend to grab me a small coffee from McDonald’s while he was inside, and he came out with some sort of weird,…
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Yum Western Pennsylvania is an awesome place to grow up. You learn to drive on dirt or gravel roads, with your Dad pointing out the safest way to pass an Amish buggy on the curvy, snaking back roads (if you’ve…
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