Homemade Beef and Broccoli

My husband and I love Chinese food. I love everything about it . . . from the chopsticks, to the placemats that tell me what animal I am on the Chinese Zodiac calendar. I love that Chinese food is ready in…
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Cooking, Creating, and Everything in Between
My husband and I love Chinese food. I love everything about it . . . from the chopsticks, to the placemats that tell me what animal I am on the Chinese Zodiac calendar. I love that Chinese food is ready in…
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Perhaps you’ve been there . . . a friend asks you to dinner, and your heart starts to pound. What, to others, is a simple supper, is, to you, a minefield of possible pitfalls– will the hostess be offended if…
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As a Mom, I often find that getting my kids to eat is one of the biggest challenges I face. OK. Perhaps potty training and sleeping through the night are a bit bigger. But you get my meaning. Kids don’t…
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It’s been a little while since I made cookies. I can see your stern face, now. Isn’t this blog called “Cookies for England?” Wait. Let’s start over and do that in an English accent. It seems fitting. “I say…
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Bread is comfort. Absolutely nothing beats a slice of fresh bread, just out of the oven, with a puddle of melting butter in the middle. It’s bliss, I tell you. Bliss. When I first started my baking journey, the object…
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Raisins get a bad rap. When I pack snacks for my kids, raisins are always last on the list of foods requested. At a party, when someone unearths a tray of (chocolate chip?) cookies, people dive and then quickly pull…
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History says that Thomas Edison failed over 1,000 times at making the light bulb. That’s nuts. Think about that . . . if you tried every single day, it would take you almost 3 years to get it right. I…
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Like most moms, I am always trying to find ways to trim the grocery budget and save a little money. With groceries costing more every day, this gets more and more challenging. But I really couldn’t believe it when I…
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As the end of summer draws near, the evenings get a little cooler, the Canadian geese start to fly South, and . . . the peaches and apples start to get ripe!Get ready– this is one of the most…
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Yum Oh no . . . it’s here again. I always try to slither out of it, but it finds me, every day– the dreaded 4:00 hour. You know what I mean . . . that time when you finally…
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