Sinful Nutella Whipped Cream

Yum My toddler and I have a neat tradition when we go grocery shopping– we like to take a swing by the bakery case and look at all the cool birthday cakes. I remember doing this same thing, with my…
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Cooking, Creating, and Everything in Between
Yum My toddler and I have a neat tradition when we go grocery shopping– we like to take a swing by the bakery case and look at all the cool birthday cakes. I remember doing this same thing, with my…
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I once stopped at a fancy bakery, taking a deep sigh before I reverently approached the bakery case. Inside that glass jewel box glistened treasures of every kind– flaky baklava, fruit-adorned tarts, and powdered-sugar kissed Napoleons. But the thing that…
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Yum Have you ever had a Cornish hen? These little beauties are teeny– about the size of your 2 fists together, and they are just so adorable. You can make a platter of these for a holiday meal, and each…
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Yum Beef ragout , cheese soufflé, Pie and pudding “en flambe” We’ll prepare and serve with flair, a culinary cabaret! You’re alone and you’re scared, But the banquet’s all prepared. No one’s gloomy or complaining While the flatware’s entertaining. We…
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Yum I have always loved Ravioli. Perhaps it is the tender pasta, crimped adorably, hiding a treasure of amazing flavors inside. Perhaps it is the kiss of sauce– just a little to highlight the pasta, itself. Perhaps it is…
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Yum I hate doing dishes– who doesn’t? It seems like every time I turn around, the sink is full of those blasted dirty dishes. So I embrace the inevitable and wash them . . . morning, noon, and night….
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Yum I try to resist, but whenever I find myself at Wendy’s, I just have to order the chili. I have read articles about “Fast foods you should never eat,” and reports that leftover beef is used . ….
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Yum No one is sure exactly how Red Velvet cake came to be. Some people claim that it was invented at the Waldorf Astoria hotel, where a chef charged a woman $350 for the recipe. And, supposedly, she paid this…
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Yum I think all of us have that “one” (OK, 25) dish(es) that we just can’t seem to make correctly. We try and try, but each time the dish’s simplicity mocks us, and we just can’t do it. Lasagna was…
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Yum Even though it’s been cold, and we have been snowed under 2 feet of the evil white stuff (it only ceases to be “evil” at Christmas, and that’s long since past), there have been a few warm days, here…
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