Author Archive: Emilie

Homemade Bath Bombs

Blue and white bath bombs and sea salt.

Have you ever tried a Bath Bomb?  A WHAT???  A bath bomb– also called a “Bath Fizzy.” These adorable little spheres are sold in places like Lush, and high-end spas, you can also buy them online at  You can…
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Pretty Peach and Cherry Crisp

Fruit crumble dessert with ice cream.

Yum Crisps are the things from which beautiful, summery dreams are made.  With their dreamy, fruit-filled insides and crispy strudel topping, they beckon to us with the warm summer breezes of a tantalizingly close summer season.  The best part is that you…
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Vanilla Bean Cheesecake

Vanilla bean cheesecake slice with whipped cream.

Cheesecake is one of those desserts that everyone loves, but everyone fears to make.  Cheesecakes are, at their heart, a custard– similar to creme brulee.  For this reason they are often overbaked (becoming curdled), or underbaked (becoming a weird, gelatinous,…
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Happy Easter

Crispy bacon, potatoes, and peas.

  When I was a kid, my siblings and I had a newspaper route.  I remember on Easter Sunday that the newspapers had to be delivered especially early. We kids would crawl from our beds in the wee hours and fold…
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