Present Moments

Present Moments I’m not really sure the day that I noticed it. It came on pretty gradually. But if I had to guess, I would say that I noticed it the day that the rose fell. It was just an…
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Cooking, Creating, and Everything in Between
Present Moments I’m not really sure the day that I noticed it. It came on pretty gradually. But if I had to guess, I would say that I noticed it the day that the rose fell. It was just an…
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Gibby His real name was Charles Gibbon. But everyone called him Gibby. It was a name that he had picked up during the war, and it stuck. His bark was worse than his bite. When we would run outside to…
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Carl Carl always asked for tea. It was an unconventional choice. In a small rural community where guests were always offered cups of steaming black coffee, hardly anyone ever asked for tea. But Carl always did. He was a…
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Piney Bed Oh come away with me my love– Come away with me. The night is fine, the moon is bright– Let’s steal beneath the piney tree. I’ll cut some pine boughs for a piney bed Beneath the piney…
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Snow They are magic– those first few, floating flakes. They fall, soft as featherdown. If you are very quiet you can hear them softly giggling. Your breath is a moment of warmth hanging motionless in the air. Time seems to…
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“Only the pure in heart can makea goodsoup.” – Ludwig van Beethoven. Soup My mother made homemade soup every Sunday night. The soups changed with the seasons and with the ingredients available. She never used a recipe. Chicken or turkey…
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Blue This has been a year of blue, at least for me. It reminds me of that time right before dawn, when everything is monochromatic and looks almost the same. We have battled the blues on every level– from missing…
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New Beginnings There is something inherently exciting about something new. It brings a new awareness to everything around us– as if we see the world for the first time in high definition color. We get a new car, and suddenly…
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“When I was ten, I read fairy tales in secret and would have been ashamed if I had been found doing so. Now that I am fifty I read them openly.” — C.S. Lewis Blue Christmas Christmas and childhood are…
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Shop Talk I remember it well– those times that we spent– My grandpa and I, as the afternoons went. The shop smelled like diesel and oil and fuel. He had careful labels for every tool. The floor was swept…
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