The Lady’s Bonnet

The Lady’s Bonnet There once was a beautiful lady, The most lovely you ever did see. And though she is missing her bonnet, She’s still perfectly lovely to me. Once upon a time, in a faraway kingdom, there lived a…
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Cooking, Creating, and Everything in Between
The Lady’s Bonnet There once was a beautiful lady, The most lovely you ever did see. And though she is missing her bonnet, She’s still perfectly lovely to me. Once upon a time, in a faraway kingdom, there lived a…
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Cottage by the Sea In a little tiny house In a cottage by the sea, You’ll find the roses growing. The gardener will be me. I’ll be the grandest lady I’ll surely bet you that. With soil on my gardening…
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Joltin’ Joe DiMaggio I have always said that the best stories are not just a single flavor. They force us to run the entire gamut of emotions– we cry true tears, we laugh uproariously at the funny parts, and…
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Let me tell you ’bout a girl I know She is my baby and she lives next door Every mornin’ ‘fore the sun comes up She brings me coffee in my favorite cup That’s why I know, yes, I know…
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Children Without a Voice “I’m sorry ma’am, but she doesn’t talk. You can’t understand or help someone without a voice.” The dentist stared at me, annoyed that our visit was taking so long. We had been to 2 medical appointments…
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Valentine’s Day People tend to have a love hate relationship with Valentine’s Day. There is no middle ground. There will be no survivors– only prisoners. I once had a friend who wore head to toe black on Valentine’s Day. She…
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“In Ireland, you go to someone’s house, and she asks you if you want a cup of tea. You say no, thank you, you’re really just fine. She asks if you’resure. You say of course you’re sure, really, you don’t…
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Lady Chef “You’re very tall. You wear what . . . an 11 or 12 shoe?” The sales lady rummaged behind the desk. “Um . . . 7 1/2.” She resurfaced. “That’s impossible. You’re too tall to have that…
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London “It is not the walls that make the city, but the people who live within them. The walls of London may be battered, but the spirit of the Londoner stands resolute and undismayed.” –George VI London. I have saved…
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Paris “If you are lucky enough to have lived in Paris as a young man, then wherever you go for the rest of your life, it stays with you, for Paris is a moveable feast.” — Ernest Hemingway When we…
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