Beautiful Wedding Cookies

Here's an alt tag for the image: Wedding cookies: ring, dress, and heart.


Photo by Jill Lang

We just went through June, and ’tis the season for all things wedding!!!  I have had multiple requests from friends for wedding cookie ideas, and I’ve been thinking.  Those thoughts have been cooking on the back burner of my mind for months, so it’s time to get crackin’!

To start, I believe in finishing what I start, so let’s decorate those mish-mash bridal gowns from yesterday.  Sound good?  You can read more about how to make these gowns from recycled cutters here.

Well, what are we waiting for?  Let’s do this!

First, like any good sugar cookie, sketch out what you want to do.  It helps to even trace your cutter right on to your paper.  It will save so much guesswork later and the dreaded “Oh my goodness!  Where does this line go?” while you are piping.

I kept this one simple.  I began by outlining and flooding all but the center in white.  When the flooded sections had dried about 1/2 hour, I did some strings of piping in the center for an easy belt.  If your icing is runny, do alternating “strings” and allow to dry before filling in, so they don’t all run together and create one solid belt– unless that’s the look you’re going for.  Then go for it.

I had several dresses, so I harnessed my inner “Project Runway” and tried a few different designs.  It was fun.  You’ll enjoy it, too, I bet.
For this one, I did some simple swirls and added a few edible silver pearls.
I piped some easy details on the top.
Liking where this detail was going, I added some to the skirt of another dress.
This is Jill’s amazing photo of the finished gowns.
Now . . . for the bling!
What good wedding would be without a killer ring?  This was a new cutter, and I just had to try it.  You can decorate this stunner in a variety of ways . . . first, I tried a 2 prong ring.
Then I tried a 3 prong ring.  Do whatever you like.  I tried a few of both and liked the variety.  Anyway, just outline your desired shape in gray icing.  When that has dried about 1/2 hour (so colors don’t bleed), outline your diamond in white.
Flood your shapes with gray icing.  Allow to rest about an hour.  When working with dark and light colors, always err on the side of caution, time-wise, so the colors don’t run.
When your gray flooded areas have dried somewhat, flood your white areas.
I forgot to mention . . . when flooding tiny details like this ring prong, use a toothpick to guide the icing into the slot.  It probably won’t run into that little space on its own, without some help.  And which of us doesn’t need some guidance, from time to time!
When the gray is completely dry (2-3 hours), I added some gray details with piping icing.  This isn’t as hard as it looks– it’s basically fancy “S” shapes.  Do whatever you like, or leave it out completely.  You’re the designer.  I just felt my jewels needed a little bling.
Now I’m going to walk you through the diamond detailing.  We will start with the 3 prong ring.  Start by piping a very fine line (I used a size 1 Wilton tip) across the prongs.
Now, bring 2 diagonal lines down from the points of the diamond to the “V” of the prongs.
This part looks hard, but it really isn’t.  Put a nice letter “M” in that space, having the point of the M meet the middle ring prong.
Now, for the 2 prong ring detailing.  Start the same way– draw a straight line across the widest part of the diamond.  Bring down 2 straight diagonal lines from the points to the center point.
Now, draw an upside down “V” in the center block.  There.  Done.  Easy peasy.
After I was finished, I decided to really bling out these gems. Feel free to skip this step if you like them like they are.  I waited until the ring was completely dry (very important if you are using a paintbrush– you don’t want to smear your detailing that you worked so hard to put on there!).  When the ring was completely dry (5 hours), I painted the gray part with silver luster dust.  Ah.  Lovely.
These are some of the most fun cookies I’ve ever made.  I think that luster really made them look like jewelry.  I think, next time, I would use a circle cutter to cut out the center, like a donut, instead of decorating around it.  Eh . . . I have time to practice.  And, after all . . . diamonds are a girl’s best friend, right?  😉
Here is some eye candy, courtesy of Jill . . .
Give these a try soon!  So much fun!  Thanks Jill for amazing photos, as always 🙂
You did it. And I’m just so proud of you.

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