Homemade Pizza Dough

Yum Oh no . . . it’s here again. I always try to slither out of it, but it finds me, every day– the dreaded 4:00 hour. You know what I mean . . . that time when you finally…
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Cooking, Creating, and Everything in Between
Yum Oh no . . . it’s here again. I always try to slither out of it, but it finds me, every day– the dreaded 4:00 hour. You know what I mean . . . that time when you finally…
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When I first got my airbrush, I spent hours drooling over all the fancy stencils I could buy to use with my cookies. Even before I got my airbrush, I drooled over the stencils I could use for stenciling on…
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I have a very nice little (OK . . . BIG) cookie cutter collection. I have enjoyed assembling it over time– a vintage cutter here, as I imagine the grandmotherly hands that used it to create Christmas cookies in years…
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I once entered a contest for a free set of measuring cups. We had to write an entry telling why we felt we deserved to win a new set of measuring cups. I wrote in that my measuring cups “looked…
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How to Stencil Cookies If you’re like me, you have probably looked enviously at those gorgeous Pinterest pictures of immaculate, airbrushed sugar cookies. You tried not to be envious . . . but it was hard. How in the world…
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There are some things in life I just don’t understand. Putting salt on watermelon. A Porsche minivan. How a TV can get 300 channels, and I still can’t find anything to watch.But anyway . . . (throat clearing), there is…
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Photo by Jill Lang We just went through June, and ’tis the season for all things wedding!!! I have had multiple requests from friends for wedding cookie ideas, and I’ve been thinking. Those thoughts have been cooking on the back…
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I’m sure, if you have even more than dipped a cautious toe into the exciting world of cookie decorating, you have, at some point, reached that roadblock that so many of us face: “That is so cute, but I…
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There are some things in life that just make a normal day so much sweeter . . . finding a parking spot miraculously in front of the parking lot, discovering a pile of sale clothing and– Eureka!– the very…
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Yum Have you ever heard of Captain William Kidd? His story is a crazy and thrilling one– awash in mystery, intrigue, and dastardly deeds. In the late 1600s, William Kidd was a respectable English admiral, sailing on behalf of the…
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