Homemade Bread Bowls

Yum I hate doing dishes– who doesn’t? It seems like every time I turn around, the sink is full of those blasted dirty dishes. So I embrace the inevitable and wash them . . . morning, noon, and night….
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Cooking, Creating, and Everything in Between
Yum I hate doing dishes– who doesn’t? It seems like every time I turn around, the sink is full of those blasted dirty dishes. So I embrace the inevitable and wash them . . . morning, noon, and night….
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Yum Ah, beautiful Panera. Every year, you send me a birthday email and a coupon for a free treat from that luscious bakery case. It’s so hard to choose just one. Should I get a bearclaw? A pecan roll? Oh…
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The holidays are coming, and that means holiday baking is upon us! I love this time of year– everyone is in a festive mood, the Christmas sweaters make their annual debut, and I can hear Bing Crosby crooning over the…
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Yum It’s a normal Saturday. I am out early, getting groceries, and I have to pass the Dragon’s Lair . . . the most dangerous spot in town . . . the Krispy Kreme store. There it is . ….
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There are so many amazingly rich, beautiful things in this world. Nothing can match the to-die-for smell of sautéing onions, the indulgence of a rich, chocolate brownie (an absolutely killer one, here), or the first, sinful bite of a piece of…
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Yum I don’t know about you, but when the weather starts to turn just a hint cooler, and the leaves ever so slowly begin to turn from green to orange to crimson, I start to get the familiar “Autumn Itch.” Come…
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I can see your face scrunching up, now. A “Brotform?” What in the world is that? What did the dressmaker bring to the dressmaker’s party? He “brought form,” of course. Sorry. That was weak. Why did the child get excited…
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Perhaps you’ve been there . . . a friend asks you to dinner, and your heart starts to pound. What, to others, is a simple supper, is, to you, a minefield of possible pitfalls– will the hostess be offended if…
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Bread is comfort. Absolutely nothing beats a slice of fresh bread, just out of the oven, with a puddle of melting butter in the middle. It’s bliss, I tell you. Bliss. When I first started my baking journey, the object…
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Raisins get a bad rap. When I pack snacks for my kids, raisins are always last on the list of foods requested. At a party, when someone unearths a tray of (chocolate chip?) cookies, people dive and then quickly pull…
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